The History of the Neti Pot
Have you ever looked at a neti pot and wondered, “What is this strangely shaped tea pot for and who came up with it?”
The neti pot is the oldest form of nasal irrigation and was developed as an ayurvedic yoga tradition in ancient India. The word “neti” means “nasal cleansing” and comes from the historical Indian language, Sanskrit.
Nasal irrigation, which is called jala neti by yogis—male yoga masters—was very important for yoga because it was one of the six cleansing practices, or “kriyas.” It was believed that clear breathing led to clear thinking; therefore, by purifying the nose, a higher state of meditation could be achieved. In addition, yogis believed that cleaning the nose helped overcome addictions, mood swings, and complaints.
In the US, the neti pot first gained popularity after Dr. Oz featured it on the Oprah Winfrey show in 2007. Since then, this object that looks like a genie’s lamp has been granting many wishes for natural relief from sinus and allergy symptoms.
The neti pot is a good alternative to the positive pressure sinus rinse system, especially for individuals who prefer less pressure and a slower stream of solution through the nasal passages. NeilMed now offers a longer-lasting porcelain neti pot if you prefer this to the plastic version.
Do you know where we can get this in India? We are badly in need of this life saved!
Hello Alisha,
Thia is Mehul Thacker from Mumbai, INDIA. I wish to convey my compliments for a wonderful description posted on differrnt subjects of allergy etc. and it is quite helpful to a common man as it is giving an in-depth info. on the relevant topics.
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Mehul Thacker,
Mumbai, India.
II got one of these pots for my son to try. He has terrible sinus problems and allergies. OMG! He loves it and wants to do it again. He said he wants to use it twice a day beacuse it makes him feel clean. He says he can smell better. LOL I did’nt think I could get him to use it but he did. How amazing this is! It was very discusting what came out of his nose. Yes, he’s a new man now! Thanks for such a great product!!!!!
I have tried every where I can think to see how to get one free.u00a0 Is there such a place?
Go to the NeilMed Neti Pot page on facebook and click the link on the left side bar of the page that says, “FREE Neti Pot.” This should take you to the page for the free neti pot offer and all you have to do is click the “Like” link at the top of the page. If this is not working for you, email
Absolutely love my neti pot.u00a0 Thank you NeilMed for sending it to me free.u00a0 I have enphasema and when I have a cold – it is impossible to breath.u00a0 This little “magic” pot is a life saver. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We are glad it has helped and thank you for your support!
This is my First time using NetiPot, it worked great but I would like to know how often daily can I use it. Thank You