About Alisha Mehta

My name is Alisha Mehta and I am a graduate student at Tufts University, working on my MS in Nutrition Communications and Didactic Program in Dietetics to become a Registered Dietitian. I grew up in Northern California where the Redwood forests, mountains, and beaches are abundant—of course, all these outdoor opportunities cannot come without allergies. I have been through (and continue to deal with) my fair share of allergy and sinus issues. As a weary sufferer of sinus problems, I became a daily user of Sinus Rinse ever since its development. I am passionate about natural health, food, nutrition, and fitness. Through this blog, I hope to create an ongoing dialogue on sinuses, allergies, and any additional health topics of interest. Please share any and all of your experiences and questions.

NeilMed NasoGEL, Your Solution for a Dry or Bloody Nose This Winter

/ February 1, 2013/ Cold & Flu, Cough, Default, Nasal hygiene, NeilMed Products, Sinus/ 7 comments

Have you ever felt a bothersome dryness in your nose in the winter time? Have you noticed that you experience more bloody noses in the winter months as well? Dry heat is notorious for causing not only an uncomfortable dryness in the nasal passages, but is also a common cause for a bloody nose. The most common culprits are indoor

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FLU 2013

/ January 16, 2013/ Cold & Flu, Cough, Default/ 6 comments

The biggest FLU season in years. Are you ready? Did you get your flu vaccination this year? You are likely aware that this year’s flu season has been far worse than past years. Forty seven states have been hit with widespread flu so far with California, Missouri, Hawaii, as well as Washington DC being the only exceptions. A look at

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Chili Peppers and Nasal Congestion

/ November 8, 2011/ Allergy, Default, General, Sinus/ 5 comments

Chili Peppers to Clear Your Sinuses November is in full swing and so is the cough/cold season. Don’t let congestion bog you down. The next time you’re feeling a bit stuffed up and want some immediate relief, try reaching for some chili peppers! If you love spicy food, this is the perfect cure for you. Have you ever eaten spicy

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GERD Diet and Lifestyle

/ October 4, 2011/ Default, General/ 1 comments

A GERD-friendly Diet and Lifestyle             There are certain foods and lifestyle changes that can help ease the symptoms of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Certain foods and beverages are more likely to trigger heartburn, including: Citrus fruits—tomatoes, oranges, and their juices Fried/fatty food: bacon, chicken skin Spicy foods Alcohol, caffeine Chocolate Peppermint, spearmint Some of these foods, such as

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An Update on GERD

/ October 3, 2011/ Default, General/ 1 comments

An Update on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Recently, the US Department of Healthcare & Quality released a report comparing different treatments for gastroesophageal reflux disease. The first line of treatment is usually medications, which can either be proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs). PPIs are the more common of the two and you may have heard of some

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