This Solution to Pollution is Dilution

/ March 5, 2014/ Allergy, Nasal hygiene, Nasal Irrigation, Neti Pot, Sinus/ 8 comments

This Solution to Pollution is Dilution Isaac Namdar, MD, FACS Board Certified Otolaryngologist Managing Partner, Head & Neck Surgical Group About the author: Dr. Isaac Namdar M.D. completed his undergraduate studies at State University of New York at Stony Brook. He graduated valedictorian of his entire undergraduate class. There, he was accepted into the early-decision medical program and

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The History of the Neti Pot

/ June 28, 2011/ Default, General, Nasal hygiene, Nasal Irrigation, NeilMed Products/ 8 comments

The History of the Neti Pot Have you ever looked at a neti pot and wondered, “What is this strangely shaped tea pot for and who came up with it?” The neti pot is the oldest form of nasal irrigation and was developed as an ayurvedic yoga tradition in ancient India. The word “neti” means “nasal cleansing” and comes from

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NeilMed offers on Facebook

/ May 28, 2010/ Promotions/ 6 comments

NeilMed would like to thank all our fans on Facebook for the overwhelming support. We have reached a new milestone on Facebook in our attempts to get closer to our customers to serve them better. Thank you Fans! For those who missed out, please become our fan on Facebook and take advantage of the currently running offers. The offers are

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Principles of Nasal Irrigation

/ April 23, 2010/ Nasal Irrigation/ 11 comments

While some amount of mucus production from the nasal and sinus lining is normal, allergies and sinus infections can cause excessive mucus production. This excessive mucus production causes nasal and sinus symptoms such as a runny and stuffy nose or post nasal drip. The key to symptom relief is to physically wash away this excess mucus and allergens such as

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Nasal Rinsing as a personal hygiene practice

/ April 23, 2010/ Nasal hygiene/ 16 comments

Daily, we expose ourselves to a large number of allergens such as dust times, pet dander, bacteria, viruses, mold pollen etc. How do we keep them away and avoid getting infected or sick at times? As a matter of daily hygiene, we brush our teeth, bathe and wash our hands. These allergens are also present in the air we breathe.

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