Epistaxis or Nosebleed

/ April 2, 2014/ Nosebleed/ 6 comments

Epistaxis or Nosebleed Ryan S. Jackson, MD Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery PGY-5 Epistaxis, commonly called a nosebleed, is a common complaint of many people. Nosebleeds are typically minor and rarely become life threatening. Despite rarely being life threatening, epistaxis can create significant concern among patients. Patients should seek immediate medical attention if the bleeding is severe or if

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Use Saline Gel to Prevent Nosebleeds

/ November 30, 2011/ Allergy, Default, General, Nasal hygiene/ 0 comments

Use Saline Gel to Prevent Nosebleeds December is around the corner and winter is in full swing. Though December brings many holidays and celebrations, we can’t ignore the fact that the cold weather and dry air bring with them many accompanying sinus problems. Nosebleeds are a common problem that can arise in the winter months. Nosebleeds are often the result

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