/ July 20, 2011/ Default, General, Nasal Irrigation, Scuba Diving, Sinus/ 277 comments

The Effect of Pool Swimming on Sinus Symptoms

Pool Swimming

It’s the middle of summer, the kids are home from school and perhaps you’d like to soak in some vitamin D. Why not spend the day at the pool? Swimming is a great way to stay active and enjoy the sunshine while spending time with friends and family. Lap swimming is also an excellent form of aerobic fitness. Whether you’re having fun in the sun or getting your cardio workout in, pool swimming can cause congestion, sinus pain, and sinus headaches. There are two main culprits for these issues: chlorine and pressure changes from underwater swimming.

Bacteria, viruses, or fungi in pool water can enter the nasal passages, which can lead to inflammation and even cause infections. Chlorine, however, is an even more common cause for post-swim sinus problems. The chlorine in pools can cause inflammation in the lining of the sinuses—sinusitis—as well as inflammation in the lining of the nasal passages—rhinitis. This can last as long as one to two weeks, which is definitely not something you want to have to deal with.

Pressure changes in the sinus cavities can block the nasal passages and cause discomfort.  When diving and swimming beneath the water, the pressure in your sinuses has to equilibrate with the pressure under the water. When chlorine and chemicals in the pool irritate the nose, mucus becomes thick and the sinuses become plugged. This prevents your sinuses from adjusting to pressure changes and the build up of pressure can cause sinus headaches. Plugged sinus cavities also cause sinus infections because the blockage prevents the clearance of viruses and bacteria that have entered the nasal cavities. In addition, trapped liquid can develop into an infection. This blockage is why swimming often worsens the symptoms of a cold or sinus infection.

So how can you enjoy the benefits of pool swimming and avoid any sinus symptoms? The two best prevention methods are to use nose clips and to use a saline spray or saline nasal irrigation system after your swim session. Nose clips prevent the chlorine in the pool water from entering your nose. If you are seriously afflicted, you may need to find a pool that does not use chlorine as a disinfectant. Saline irrigation will clear your nose and sinuses of pool chemicals and irritants, as well as mucus that may have built up during your swim.

If you experience congestion, sinus pain, or headaches often after swimming, you may want to decrease the frequency and duration of your swims. You may also want to avoid diving and swimming deep under the water. When lap swimming, faster turns can help keep water from entering the sinus cavities. There is a bigger pressure difference between your sinuses and the water pressure during slow turns, which allows water to enter.

Try swimming in the ocean if possible. This will actually have beneficial effects on your sinuses because the salt water acts as a natural saline irrigation. If you have developed a sinus headache after swimming, you may want to take an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever for your symptoms, as well as avoid swimming again until your headache has subsided. I hope I have not discouraged you from visiting the pool—as you can see, most cases can be easily prevented and treated.

Have you suffered from sinus problems after swimming? We would love to hear your experiences and how you have dealt with it. Have requests for future blog topics on allergies, sinuses, or natural health? Please leave your thoughts below!

Written by,

Alisha Mehta


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About Alisha Mehta

My name is Alisha Mehta and I am a graduate student at Tufts University, working on my MS in Nutrition Communications and Didactic Program in Dietetics to become a Registered Dietitian. I grew up in Northern California where the Redwood forests, mountains, and beaches are abundant—of course, all these outdoor opportunities cannot come without allergies. I have been through (and continue to deal with) my fair share of allergy and sinus issues. As a weary sufferer of sinus problems, I became a daily user of Sinus Rinse ever since its development. I am passionate about natural health, food, nutrition, and fitness. Through this blog, I hope to create an ongoing dialogue on sinuses, allergies, and any additional health topics of interest. Please share any and all of your experiences and questions.


  1. Every time i swim and end up getting water up my nose I end up sick the next morning. Last night i got water in my nose and now its plugged right up and my throat hurts.

  2. Im suffering now from severe headache tht stroke me after long swimming session. I will try the saline irrigation as per your recommendation.
    Thanks for th very useful info tht you shared .

  3. Sinus was the main reason, I stopped swimming…Now, after a gap of 5 years I’ve started swimming again: 30 laps freestyle, thrice a week to begin with…I’d keep your tips in mind & be cautious this time…
    Hope it works & I end up loosing my tummy flab….hahaha…Thanks much :))

  4. I get sever nasal congestion a few hours after swimming in a lake. It makes me so uncomfortable that I can’t sleep at night. The problem is mild or non-existent when I swim in a pool, depending on the water cleaning system used.
    I have a fix for the lake swimming problem. I take Loratadine, (Claratin) before the swim. It prevents the swelling in my nose and It makes it problem free to swim. If I take it after the swim or when symptoms start to appear, it is too late, and doesn’t work at all.

  5. My daughter swam in an over chlorinated pool yesterday and has has sinus pressure, bad headache, sore throat and irritated eyes ever since. 🙁 She feels terrible. We didn’t realized how much bleach and chlorine the pool owners used until after the swim. She feels rotten as well does her cousin and brother who also swam. She is weak, tired and pale also. Actually beginning to frighten me a little. I’ve read where it can cause low bp and pulmonary edema also. Not sure what we need to do. Any suggestions? If she’s not much better tomorrow we will be going to pediatrician.

  6. Everyone I swim in chloronated water a few hours later I can’t breath through my nose. I know it has to be from the chlorine because I swim in the river at my camp and I go pretty deep when I dive in so I know it must be chlorine in water. That also always keeps me away from pools because I like to breath from my nose…

  7. I have a headache in the back right side of my head, and I’ve been swimming today. I think it’s from swimming deep under the surface, but I’m not sure. I’ve taken basic antibiotics for it, but the pain hasn’t left. I’m miserable, and I don’t know what else to do! Help!

  8. I have that issue,My sinuses are always inflamed, an headache after swimming, normally i take tab. saridon before or after swimming (Depend upon headache), i love swimming, how can i overcome from this problem

  9. Frequently. I swim a mile every other day in a Y pool. My sinuses are always inflamed. I pay the price for this form of exercise with a doozy of an infection from time to time. Why? It’s effective and meditative and safe for someone with artificial hips.

  10. This is why I hate swimming in the pools!

  11. Either wear a nose clip or use a low volume dive mask that covers your nose. I wear a mask. No more problems.

  12. I am seeing a strong correlation between chloramines, a byproduct of chlorination, and lung irritation. There is quite a bit of research on public use pools on this topic. Not all swimming athletes are effected. But there is a much higher incident of asthma related illnesses in young swimming athletes compared with those that play soccer of the same age group for example. Public pools traditionally have higher chlorine levels due to the higher bather usage. I am curious how many owners of private pools are experiencing the same symptoms.

  13. I love swimming and I look forward to 150 laps every weekend. But every time I get a cold, it results in infected sinuses and I end up on anti-biotics and in a lot of pain. This article explains why!

    Now I just have to wait for my sinuses to clear again, before I can swim again. That’s annoying!

  14. I suffer from sinus trouble. I was sure it was the chlorine in the water that was causing the trouble. I tried a nose clip but I could still feel the head ache starting as I left the pool. It first started when I was swimming over a mile of breast stroke. I could feel the pressure on my head every stroke when my head submerged prior to the leg kick. When I got out of the pool I had an amazingly bad head ache. I now can’t do more than 500m each swim. I’ve tried 2 seperate anti biotics from the doctor. I’m currently on a steroid nasal spray but that’s not working. I will be getting referred to the hospital in a fortnights time.
    Have you ever experience my problems before? It’s so frustrating. It’s real bad when the temp of the house is really warm or if I bend over head first. Would love to hear any thoughts.
    Thomas coomber

  15. I love swimming but there is a problem , you see that whenever I swim the chlorine gets in my nose and then I have a headeache. My head then gets well again but there is something I don’t know , it is that one day I went swimming and saw something black on the ground of the pool. Well maybe my headeache happens because I don’t hold my nose in water. I think I don’t need any treatment but should be careful when going into water, it happens to everybody and that’s okay. What do people put in a netti pot to clear nose?!

  16. I have been wearing, nose clip, earplugs, and goggles for years. Lately I have been practicing swimming deeper. I am also having migraines, vertigo, and nauseous. I am wondering if there is a link here ? I am suffering and considering not putting my head in the water anymore. The headaches take me down for a day. Has anyone experienced this ?

  17. Very good information,I was searching for the cause of sinus .my daughter went to pool complaining of head ache.she is vomiting as well.

  18. If I drink wine or swim in a chlorinated pool I have a reaction the next day —which starts with a loud buzzer sound in my head, then instant vertigo, and shortly after that, vomiting. Any ideas. I have had tests for Meniere’s and told by MD that I do not have that, but probably an inner ear problem. Only thing that seems to help is Meclizine but that practically knocks me out for a day or more.

  19. I’ve just been suffering with a sinus headache because I swam to the bottom of a 12 foot deep pool, and I think that my sinus’ pressure must not have been equal with the pressure in the water! I hope it doesn’t happen again!

    Thanks for the tip on how to treat it, I hadn’t found a way to stop the pain!


  20. I was taking swimming lessons for the past 5 months and have been fighting sinus infections and dizziness. It took this last bout with a sinus infection to figure out what was causing them. I belong to a gym and the pool hosts children, disabled people and seniors…so they put a lot of chlorine in the water and this really bothers my sinuses. I am limited with decongestants because of a thyroid condition, so I have turned to using the netti pot. It helps but I would really love to be able to swim without fear of sinus infections.

  21. Hi .kindly tell me the medication of post swimming sinus pain and heaviness in sinuses.i m having pain at the moment

  22. I have been a sinus patient my whole life. I am 54 now and have suffered with allergies since I was a child. Medications would knock me out or make me nauseated, so even when I could breathe I suffered. I am disabled with a spinal cord injury , but was able to certify for scuba diving as an adult. It is one of the only exercises I can actually do and I love diving in the ocean, however, diving under the influence of pharmaceuticals is not very smart and extremely dangerous…so in order to have fun without sinus pain..I look to the Neti pot for relief! What a miracle!! I wish I would have had one as a child!

  23. hi Alisha, i have been a Sinus patient for a long time now and started learning swimming since last 15 days. The problem wht iam facing is that as soon as i enter the swimming pool i have very very sever headache and some time its not tolerable also…… Still i wana learn swimming. Consulted the doctors even they asked me to stop swimming but still i wana continue. What should i do? The instructor make us also dive in deep water which i really feel creating more problem for me …. Kindly help me out. you can also write me at rahman_sharique@rediffmail:disqus .com

  24. How do you know if you won?

    1. Emails have been sent out to the winners. Please continue checking on Facebook for free offers and fandeals!

  25. Hello everyone and thank you for your support and participation in the latest blog promotion. If you were not chosen as a winner, please become a Facebook fan (if you are not already) of NeilMed Sinus Rinse and NeilMed Neti Pot and keep on the lookout for future promotions and free offers. 

  26. With the weather as hot as it has been here in Lake Mary, Florida I have to use my nedipot everyday just to be able to go about my daily living. I should get another pot but with the economy the way it is and me not working I have to use it every other day. I had surgery on my sinsus and the doctor said that I need to use it twice a day as not to get an infection.  I find that even when I swin in the pool at the ymca I have to use it more often.  I sure could use another bottle so I could take one with me all the time.

  27. I have always had issues with my sinuses and I cant wait to try this product and maybe have some relief.

  28. if you have allergies the best thing in the world for you is neilmed sinus rinse. This is coming form a long time suffering from just about everything in the air, and i can tell you that using neilmed is the best way to to end that suffering and start enjoying the smells of summer time!  

  29. I have never tried any of your products but would love to. I have really bad sinus problems, so it would be great if it worked for me 🙂

    1. I do as well and I would love to try the product

  30. My daughter loves to swim but has asthma. She does really good until she gets a stuffy nose. Not being able to receive comfort of breathing through her nose, her asthma can spiral out of control quicklky. I have never heard of your product but would love to try it. Nasonex and other nasal remedies do not relieve her congestion.

  31. I have had sinus problems for over a year and have no insurance to see a ent. I have heard great things about your product but never tried them.

  32. I have used your sinus rinse for a few years now as I have had chronic sinus issues for many years.  The frequency of which I use it depends on whether I am using it just for maintenance or because I am battling allergies or infection.  I decided to get my open water certification last year.  The first few times I dove I had a hard time clearing my ears, and had pain both during and after the dives.  The next time I dove I prepared by using the sinus rinse twice a day before and after my dives.  I found it helped with the both the clearing and the pain.  It is now a part of my “dive plan”.

  33. my son and I have sinus and he has asthma and it’s driving us angry. we usually use over the counter nasal spray…not working very well…and am looking for another solution. Heard alot about your product and would love to give it a trial…Thanks

  34. Hi, do I think your product is awesome? Don’t know as I have never tried it. I suffer from chronic sinus issues and am having a CT scan to see if there are any issues causing it. Would I love to have this product? Sure, but not for me but for my husband who served almost 24 yrs in the Army and 3 of those yrs in the Middle East. Now he has chronic  sinusitis. I would love for him to try this product to see if it brings him relief. Thank you

  35. Hi There. My Name is Carla Sue and I have used The Neti Bottle for the last 3 years on a Daily Basis and sometimes twice a Day. When I was 12 I got Menigoencephalitis–which is a Virus you can get from swimming in warm water and it travels up to your brain. I was in a Coma for 13 days and Not expected to live…but I did. Since then , I have had Severe Ear and Sinus Infections whether I am Swimming or just showering. Since using the Neti Bottle , I haven’t had a Sinus Infection or Ear Infection. I make the rinse part of my Shower routine…and I am very happy that I began using the Sinus Rinse. Thank You for your  Time. I hope you continue to make the Bottle and the Rinse…and Should I win…Please send me the Bottle. Thank You and God Bless!!!

  36. Hi There. My Name is Carla Sue and I have used The Neti Bottle for the last 3 years on a Daily Basis and sometimes twice a Day. When I was 12 I got Menigoencephalitis–which is a Virus you can get from swimming in warm water and it travels up to your brain. I was in a Coma for 13 days and Not expected to live…but I did. Since then , I have had Severe Ear and Sinus Infections whether I am Swimming or just showering. Since using the Neti Bottle , I haven’t had a Sinus Infection or Ear Infection. I make the rinse part of my Shower routine…and I am very happy that I began using the Sinus Rinse. Thank You for your  Time. I hope you continue to make the Bottle and the Rinse…and Should I win…Please send me the Bottle. Thank You and God Bless!!!

  37. I have had sinus issues for about 35 years.  Now I am swimming to help control my diabetes, and I really notice how the pool aggravates my sinuses.  I use saline spray, but I really think a neti pot would be a more complete solution,  i hear wonderful things about it all the time!

  38. Hello!
    I am an advanced scuba diver and go diving depths beyond 60 feet, (90 to 100ft sometimes). I constantly have problems with equalizing the pressure in my nose and ears, and I must equalize often (squeeze my nose and blow out the air in my ears). After diving I experience sinus pressure in my nasal passages as well. This may be due to the problems I have in general with allergens. I feel my sinuses inflammed after diving or going going swimming in pools. I usually clear the nasal passages using regular water just irrigate it over a sink or I take hot steam showers to breath the steam and help the allergens and bacteria escape. However my friend recently showed me his NeilMed Sinus Rinse bottle and how easy it was to use. I went to this website to check it out. Hopefully I get a free bottle! I would LOVE to try it now. Especially since I also get a stuffed up nose in the morning as the allergens from the outside air coming through my window makes me congested in the morning. I usually need to irrigate my sinuses in the morning or right before bed just so I can breathe through my nose. Otherwise it’s just stuffed up and congested when I sleep or when I wake up. I hope this works just as well as it does for my friend! My email is thewonderbear@hotmail.com

  39. I have sinus problems most of the year.  My doctor has me on medication that still doesn’t help very much.  I’d love to try another alternative to or supplement of my medication.  I’ve heard alot about the  Neti pots and would love to try one.

  40. Hello!
    I am an advanced scuba diver and go diving depths beyond 60 feet, (90 to 100ft sometimes). I constantly have problems with equalizing the pressure in my nose and ears, and I must equalize often (squeeze my nose and blow out the air in my ears). After diving I experience sinus pressure in my nasal passages as well. This may be due to the problems I have in general with allergens. I feel my sinuses inflammed after diving or going going swimming in pools. I usually clear the nasal passages using regular water just irrigate it over a sink or I take hot steam showers to breath the steam and help the allergens and bacteria escape. However my friend recently showed me his NeilMed Sinus Rinse bottle and how easy it was to use. I went to this website to check it out. Hopefully I get a free bottle! I would LOVE to try it now. Especially since I also get a stuffed up nose in the morning as the allergens from the outside air coming through my window makes me congested in the morning. I usually need to irrigate my sinuses in the morning or right before bed just so I can breathe through my nose. Otherwise it’s just stuffed up and congested when I sleep or when I wake up.

  41. Hello!
    I am an advanced scuba diver and go diving depths beyond 60 feet, (90 to 100ft sometimes). I constantly have problems with equalizing the pressure in my nose and ears, and I must equalize often (squeeze my nose and blow out the air in my ears). After diving I experience sinus pressure in my nasal passages as well. This may be due to the problems I have in general with allergens. I feel my sinuses inflammed after diving or going going swimming in pools. I usually clear the nasal passages using regular water just irrigate it over a sink or I take hot steam showers to breath the steam and help the allergens and bacteria escape. However my friend recently showed me his NeilMed Sinus Rinse bottle and how easy it was to use. I went to this website to check it out. Hopefully I get a free bottle! I would LOVE to try it now. Especially since I also get a stuffed up nose in the morning as the allergens from the outside air coming through my window makes me congested in the morning. I usually need to irrigate my sinuses in the morning or right before bed just so I can breathe through my nose. Otherwise it’s just stuffed up and congested when I sleep or when I wake up.

  42. HELLO!

    I am an advanced scuba diver and experience sinus pain from time to time if I go beyond 60 feet in depth. I have to constantly equalize the pressure when I dive, more often than other divers. I experience sinus problems after diving, as if there was something irritating the nasal passages and sinuses. I use just plain water to irrigate my sinuses after diving, just to clear away any bacteria or allergens, but when my friend told me about the NeilMed Sinus Rinse bottle, I had to check it out. He showed it to me it seemed very easy to use, without having to tilt your head like with the neti pots. I also experience morning sinus inflammation. I believe the allergens outside are more concentrated at night and in the morning for some reason, and when I wake up, I feel stuffed up and congested. I try to take hot showers and breath steamed air to clear the passages, but after seeing this Sinus Rinse bottle, it seems to be an easier and more effective way to clear my sinuses in the morning (or before bed). I would really like to get try the NeilMed Sinus Rinse bottle!

  43. Nasal irrigation is the first and best method I use to combat nasal congestion, whether it’s from ragweed allergies or swimming pool irritants. When chlorinated water from a pool shoots up my nose, wow, it hurts. Saltwater pools are still few and far between in our neighbourhood, unfortunately. NeilMed is a pioneer in nasal irrigation and, in my opinion, produces the most practical and user-friendly nasal irrigation devices.

  44. my sinuses always seemed to stay quite clear when I was swimming especially in the ocean.

    now as a respiratory therapist who educates regarding chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management, I feel confident in noting that many people never really assist their sinuses in the bodies natural cleansing process.

    that’s where sinus rinse products like neti pot come in handy. after hearing a patient’s story of how they used neti pot with much success I started using it nightly before bed. I notice a big difference when I skipped using it for several weeks recently.

    I am happy to say that the purulent drainage went away after restarting my nightly use of neti!

    Thanks so very much, to the makers of sinus rinse products.

  45. Hello,
         I have heard so much about how wonderful Neti pots are and would love to try one. I get a lot of sinus infections and was told that I should get one of these. I am on a very tight budget and unfortunately can’t afford to buy one so I am hoping that I can win one. Thank You.

  46. I’ve been spending tons of time in the pool, and never thought about sinus issues  being caused by that….  good to know!  I do sometimes get congested after swimming in the pool.

  47. On my annual international scuba diving trip I rely on NeilMed.  We are doing 3 dives a day and I use NeilMed in the morning before the first dive and in the evening before going to bed.  It keeps my sinuses and ears open and I am able to clear my ears and dive without any sinus issues.  I have not tried the neti pot but always use the Sinus Rinse Bottle.  I recommend NeilMed to those students just learning to dive and having issues with clearing their ears.  NeilMed always helps the situation.

  48. My daughter recommended this site to me.  I am so happy to have found it and have signed up for your information.  I have suffered from allergies and sinus problems for a long time.  I was always told not to dive too much as it causes sinus pressure….did it anyway and dealt with the headaches and stuffiness.  I would like to receive this neti pot as my daughter said it has been helping her so much.  Thank you NeilMed Pharmaceuticals, it’s a nice thing you are doing for us sinus sufferers.

  49. We went on vacation 2 weeks ago and i spent 3 days in a swimming pool that was over-clorinated. My sinuses took a good beating and I have been suffering ever since. I need you Neilmed!

  50. Hi, In my childhood I lived close to a lake where I would go swimming almost everyday. Now where I live I barely have the chance to go swimming at all. With the lack of a pool or a lake. I now suffer from nasal congestion at all times. I have consulted many doctors and specialists and was told they could not do anything for me. Each time they prescribe me with antibiotics and fluticasone furoate nasale spray (corticosteroid for nasal use). And they tell me to come back later to see the results, I have been doing this for the past six years and nothing…I believe I will never get better. I am looking forward to using something else.
    At the beginning of the summer I was told I would get a Neilmed Neti Pot in the mail and I am still waiting. Hopefully this time is the good one. So please send me a Neilmed Neti Pot. Thank you.

  51. I need to use ocean saline nasal spray for my occasional sinus infection, I didn’t know about the bottle or pot. I will definitely be interested in using one. I’d love it!


  52. Hi, in my childhood I used to live close to a lake where I would go swimming almost everyday. Which I think was good for my sinuses since they did not bother me then. Now I have moved to a place where I can barely go swimming with the lack of having a pool or lake I have been suffering for the past 10 years with nasal congestion that will not go away. I have tried many things consulting doctors and specialists and they say that they can do nothing for me. So each time I receive a prescription for fluticasone furoate nasal spray (corticosteroid) I am afraid of the long time use of this product. I was told at the beginning of summer I would be receiving a Neilmed Neti Pot in the mail by you and I have received nothing at this date. I would appreciate if you would consider to send me one, it would give me another option as for treatment. A Neilmed Neti Pot for me please. Thank you.

  53. I would love to try the neti pot. I suffer from allergies and sinus issues.

  54. good afternoon, I would love to recieve a neti pot, I use saline solution quite often to help keep my sinus clear but have to use a bowl & snuff it up my nose which isn’t the most enjoyable experience. Whenever I get sick I always always end up with a sinus infection or congestion.  Swimming in chlorinated water will irritate my sinus as well so I have to avoid the pools much of the time.  Having a neti pot would make such an improvement in my daily routine of sinus care and make it so much easier to irrigate my sinus cavities.  Thanks so much, have a lovely day!

    1. Hello!
      I am an advanced scuba diver and go diving depths beyond 60 feet, (90 to 100ft sometimes). I constantly have problems with equalizing the pressure in my nose and ears, and I must equalize often (squeeze my nose and blow out the air in my ears). After diving I experience sinus pressure in my nasal passages as well. This may be due to the problems I have in general with allergens. I feel my sinuses inflammed after diving or going going swimming in pools. I usually clear the nasal passages using regular water just irrigate it over a sink or I take hot steam showers to breath the steam and help the allergens and bacteria escape. However my friend recently showed me his NeilMed Sinus Rinse bottle and how easy it was to use. I went to this website to check it out. Hopefully I get a free bottle! I would LOVE to try it now. Especially since I also get a stuffed up nose in the morning as the allergens from the outside air coming through my window makes me congested in the morning. I usually need to irrigate my sinuses in the morning or right before bed just so I can breathe through my nose. Otherwise it’s just stuffed up and congested when I sleep or when I wake up.

  55. I have severe sinus infections all the time and love using the bottle for them, but would love to try the pot!
    Thank you 🙂

  56. I didn’t have problems with allergies or asthma when I lived in Florida since I spent so much time at the beach and the pool.  Now that I live in DC where the air quality is horrible, I am just having a miserable time and I’m so anxious to move back.

  57. my two year old daughter & I suffer from allergy & sinus problems here in Florida.  We both use a saline nasal spray but would LOVE to try the Neti! 

  58. I just recently found out about Netipot. I am a new teacher and I know there will be times when I am feeling sick and I hate missing school. I am always clogged up when my allergies act up. I would love to try your product and see if I can still teach and control my allergies.

  59. Sinus irrigation is good common sense, especially after swimming if accidentally inhaling water.  This flushes out chlorine and any other irritants.  NeilMed’s products are perfect for this.

  60. I always thought of the Neti Pot as a winter time tool to prevent colds and flu.  Thanks to this blog, I realize it’s really a year round tool to prevent all sinus problems including spring allergies and now summer sinus headaches from swimming in chorlinated pools. 

  61. I would love to try a netipot. I have BAD allergies and something out there has to work been than pills every day!!!

  62. My kids and I have been spending a lot of time in the water this summer. It seems the chlorine and other chemicals linger on the skin and in the nasal passages. I have had my sinus rinse bottle for years and have used it for allergies and colds but it never occurred to me that I could use it to help rinse my sinuses out after swimming.  With my son recently getting a bacterial infection from swimming in the lake (in his ear) I will be anxious to prevent similar infections in and around the sinus cavities.  I think this would give me peace of mind, just knowing that I have the option of cleaning out my sinuses.  Thanks for the tip!
      I would love to get a Netipot and see how it differs from the bottle.

  63. I would love to try this, I have heard it helps so much!

  64. It only took 1 use of the Netipot and I was convinced! It relieved sinus pressure and the burning I had with sinus dryness after drainage. My husband laughed watching me during my treatment and I MADE him try it. He too was absolutely grateful for the relief provided when he was done. We have a pool and swimming can really mess with your sinuses. When we use the Netipot after swimming it is a great help!

  65. I hope I get selected for a netipot. Dr Oz reccomends them on his show all the time

  66. I would love to try the sinus rinse…. 

  67.  My son suffers from so many allergies we would love to try the rinses for him.  I do them daily and find them to be a huge help. 

  68. I love being underwater!!! It’s the only place my allergies don’t bother me and my ears don’t crackle! (Now if only I could get to the pool/beach without being outside!) I have severe allergies and have tried every prescription/OTC med out there! Someone recently told me to try the neti-pot…and thus how I found this site. I’d definitely give this a chance if it has the potential to make the crackling in my ears stop from the allergies! They’re been crackling every time I move my mouth for over 6 years now. Argh! Pick me?

  69. I have used the NeilMed Sinus Rinse Bottle and loved it!…. It worked so well on me and my younger daughter…. Right now i am fighting a sinus cold and cannot afford the packets…. I am hoping to win for myself and my young daughter who is now coming down with a sinus problem

  70. I have always suffered from allergies and the pool does seem to exacerbate my sinus problems. I have definitely found that using a sinus rinse afterwards greatly reduces or stops my problems from the pool.

  71. I would like to try the netipot for in the summer I get a terrible cold funny but not funny lol thank you very much 🙂 

  72. hello!  i would like to try the netipot; i am very allergic to weeds, trees & dust. i’m allergic to over 50, out of the 72-known allergies (back-scratch test). i would really be grateful, if  i were to get an opportunity, to try the netipot, from NeilMed.  thank you very much..!


  73. We just got back from a trip to Arizona, where I went to the Mayo Clinic. My husband and three kids went along, and spent their days swimming at the hotel. My oldest daughter already has sinus and allergy trouble, and swimming made it worse. Then there was a small dust storm in Phoenix the night before we came home which made us all sick!

  74. my 5 yr. old has suffered with sinus problems since he was a little baby. It woud be so nice for your company to send us a free product . Thank you

  75. my friend Mitch who is basically BUBBLE BOY suggested i use netipot. he swears by it and says he uses it everyday during winter in chicago. 

    I swim 3-4 times a week and am prone to swimmers ear. Something about doing a little nasal irrigation, salt water mouth rinse completely helps my ears! I guess its that ‘ear nose throat’ connection.


  77. I have allergies and chronic sinus infections but I try not to let it keep me from enjoying our backyard pool. I tend to be pretty congested for a couple of weeks after a long swim session. Needless to say, I try not to go under water most of the time. The typical remedies don’t seem to help but I have heard that netipots work wonders! I would love to find out if this could help me too!!

  78. I would love to try the neti pot and sinus wash.  I have very bad sinus trouble and have had since I was about 12.  I am retired and living on a fixed income andcan not afford to buy all the things I need and can not even buy all my medicines,s o ift he pot and wash would work for me it would be well worth it.  I have been told to try one, but have not had the money to buy one, so I do hope you can send me one.

  79. My daughter has noticed that she needs to use a nasal rinse after swimming. She is sensitive to water in her ears and being stuffed in her nasal cavities, and she frequently is swimming with her park program. Not sure if it is due to the chemicals in the water or just the water itself, but a rinse helps!

  80. I always bring my NeilMed Neti Pot to Ohio with me when I visit my mom. She has a pool and I always seemed to have problems with sinus congestion when I visit. I didn’t really put 2 & 2 together until reading this that the pool might be the cause of the problem. Here I was thinking I was allergic to Ohio! I use the waterproof ear plugs, but maybe I will also purchase a nose clip. I will definitely take your advise and use the Neti Pot after I swim! I already use it all the time for constant sinus issues and to help after I dust! 😀

  81. I would love to try your product. I have been suffering from sinus infections for three years and my daughter of age 4 just got diagnosed with chronic sinus infections. 

  82. I have allergies really bad and sinuses bad. I get sinus infections like 5 times a year and they scrape my sinuses every year but doesn’t work. Have heard wonderful comments about your product and would love to try it. My 6 year old is starting to develop the same problems. E-mail is mandi2310@zoominternet.net

  83. I would love to try the netipot, My whole family  suffers from
    allergies. It would be wonderful of your company thank you 

  84. I suffer from severe sinus infections and have heard this would really help.  I would love to be able to try it.  Thanks.

  85. I have been quite clogged up from scuba diving and swimming.  My ears feel like they need popping and my nose is stuffy.  A lot of times, this leads to me having an achy ear for couple days.  NetiPot would be an awesome way to alleviate the pressure!  I never though of that until this posting!  I would love a NetiPot so that I can help keep my ears and sinuses clear during the summer swimming/scuba season!

  86. I use the bottle one all the time.. i find it easier to use than the netipot… it really helped me out the last 2 weeks.. i dont know if it was a cold or allergies I was suffering from but it really helped..

  87. I haven’t had issues after swimming, but I do have severe allergy and sinus issues.  My doctor has highly recommended the sinus bottle and for me to use at least two times a day!! Thank you!!!

  88. I have been using NeilMed for a few months now and I am amazed at the difference it makes.  Not only does it do WONDERS for my seasonal allergies, but I have discovered it is FANTASTIC to use after coming in from the pool.  I used to feel horrible after swimming.  I would be clogged up, have burning, get a headache and generally just feel like going to bed once I came in.  I started using the sinus rinse after I came in from the pool and I can’t tell you how much better I feel!  You wouldn’t think something as simple as a sinus rinse could make such a difference but it does.  I no longer have to plan to go swimming later in the day, I can now go anytime and feel great! Thanks NeilMed!

  89. I love the NetiPot. I suffer from allergies all year long. I would love to try the Sinus Rinse Bottle. Thanks for doing this!!!! I will always use NeilMed!!!!

  90. Never knew that swimming could cause sinus issues. But it explains why I had sinus headaches all summer long

  91. My brother introduced me to NeilMed and sinus rinsing about four years ago when I was considering having yet another nasal surgery.  I immediately became a big fan, and it saved me from having surgery.  My biggest problem is that I can’t seem to keep a bottle, because I am always giving them away to my children and husband.  I recently tried the Neti Pot, but I much prefer the bottle and could really use a new one.

    Sinus rinsing helps so much with allergies, but we are also a swimming family (two of my children work at the local pool, lifeguarding and teaching swim lessons), and the chlorine can really be a problem; sinus rinsing reduces the swelling and irritation in our sinuses.  Now if we could just find something to soothe our red eyes.  😉

  92. I never knew that swimming in chlorine pools is what agravated my sinus’s as a child.Bi wS on the swim team and my doctor never asked or mentioned that the pool could be the reason for my reoccurring sinius infections. I wish I would have known then what I know now.

  93. Chlorine from the pool where I do my aquatic therapy really bothers my sinuses and nothing works as well as a good rinse with a neti-pot.  It helps with my ear pressure issues, too!  Can’t do without it!

  94. I have had severe allergies for years and went through the skin/saline tests with the allergist years ago. Out of 40 common allergies I am allergic to 28! I took the shots for 2 years and no relief. I started using the Neilmed sinus rinse about a year ago. This has become my daily morning ritual to do my sinus rinse and some times before bed if the pollen count is high. The relief I get from using the sinus rinse is wonderful! I can not go with out my daily sinus rinse. It is as important as brushing my teeth. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS PRODUCT. I CAN NOT LIVE WITHOUT IT!

  95. I take my son swimming all the time and we are working on him going under water but the water gets up his nose and he won’t use the nose clip like you suggest in the above article. So PLEASE send my little man JAKOB a neti pot it would make him very HAPPY. 
    Thanks so much

  96. I would love to try this.  I can only imagine what would come out of my nose.

  97. I can’t really speak for myself because I don’t get sinus allergies. My daughters do and so does my partner. They also have spent the summer swimming. I I have worked in the natural medicine industry for many many years, and can speak to how affect it is. Thank you, and I know my post probably won’t stand out as being super special, but I would appreciate being chosen.

  98. HI, i would like to try it, maybe it would work for mt cronic sinusites, and i don’t need a sinus surgery.


  99. Both my daughter and myself have sinus issues swell as asthma. She is 3 and we are trying swimming lessons. We would love to win this Netipot prize as we both could put in more time swimming an be ready for summer. It is really important as we live on the coast and do nearly all water related activities. And after my daughters big tirering days she needs a good nights sleep with blocked sinuses. Thank you

  100. i was swimming in the pool with my son two weeks ago & accidentally breathed in some pool water. next day i had THE WORST sinus pain, pressure & headaches! this lasted for 7 days!! i used the sinus rinse bottle with the salt (+ added a pinch of baking soda & a drop of tea tree oil !!only one drop!!) & it relieved the pressure to the point where I could function again. damn pool water! hurray for sinus rinse! (my sinus rinse bottle needs replacing BTW its 4 years old, thank you very much) i wear a mask from now on & @ the slightest sign of congestion RINSE my sinuses!!! 

  101. I love using my Neilmed NetiPot, especially after swimming. Chlorine is very irritating and the sinus rinse feels great after swimming. The NetiPot is also great when you have to deal with pressure changes. I’m not a scuba diver, but I know that I feel tremendous pain while landing after flying. The pressure changes I feel while landing in a plane are probably similar to those experienced by scuba divers. On a recent flight, I used my NetiPot an hour before takeoff, and the landing was virtually pain free!

  102. I can’t wait to try one of these. My family has suffered from sinus issues since vacation.  Hoping this will help us naturally instead of all those meds we have tried.

  103. You can’t beat the NeilMed nasal rinse for that “after scuba” clean out!!  It gets your sinus feeling so good!   Out with the “sea snot”  lol, and in with nice clean air. 

  104. Yes, I have suffered many times with sinus problems after swimming.  The way I have dealt with is is by spraying otrivin up my nose however, I know that Otrivin is very addictive because my husband is addicted to it.  That’s why I would like to try Medipot.


  105. I do notice congestion when I’ve been swimming with lots of underwater time. I’d love to try the sinus rinse in a bottle to see if it helps! Thanks!     

  106. Don’t know why my comment did not post??  What I tried to post was that my daughter recommended this site.  I have allergies and sinus problems.  I would like to try the Neti Pot to see if it will give me some relief.  Thank you, Rose

  107. I am probably the biggest fan of NeilMed Sinus Rinse!  I am anxious to try the Neti Pot too!  I do alot of swimming in the summer, and therefore feel the affects of chlorine chemicals in my sinuses. I would like to try the Neti Pot to prove the POSITIVE affects that Neti Pot can have on my sinuses & allergies this summer.

  108. Would so love to win I just rejoined my gym and did not know till I read this that swimming can cause sinus pain  Also I entered to win before and your company said my product was on the way but I never recieved to my dismay   My friends that have tried this say it is wonderful so I hope to get the chance to see this for myself as this is my first yr ever with sinus problems and not fun

  109. I am probably the biggest fan of NeilMed Sinus Rinse! I am anxious to try the Neti Pot too!!!!

  110. This stuff works guys you will feel so much better after I use it much better the medicines

  111. I love swimming but can not do it as much because I don’t like the problems it gives me afterward. I don’t have any remedy to this day for my nose after swimming, just blowing my nose a million times. That gets annoying when you’re not blowing anything out but it still feels like you have more. I saw the NetiPot on The Doctors and have heard about it from others and would love to see what kind of relief it offers.

  112. I’m in need of one of these netipots asap my sinuses are in rough shape right now with allergies.

  113. I really do find that swimming helps with my sinus pain. I just wish I had chance to. I’m hoping that I can get a sinus rinse so that I can try and at least ease some of my pain that I am experiencing right now. 

  114. My daughter told me about this site.  Unfortunately I have allergies and sinus problems.  I have just signed up on your mailing list to receive medical news and new product information.   My daughter said I will not choke or feel like I am drowning if used properly but I am uncertain as to how it will work for me. I would like to try the Neti Pot.  Thank you, Rose

  115. My daughter (12) has terrible allergies & when she gets the sinus problems that go along with them, it tends to go right to her chest & she ends up very sick. 
    She does a LOT of swimming in the summer & has started having more issues from the water getting into her sinuses.  It isnt as bad when shes in the ocean (salt water duh? I hadnt even thought of it) but when shes at the local YMCA she is sick by the end of the week.  She absolutely hates using the nose clamp thingy I got her in the hopes that it would help. 
    She has been using the NeilMed Sinus Rinse Bottle for a few years during pollen season & she has friends who’s parents smoke (not around the kids but its in their clothing & it still causes her big problems)  She has not gotten extremely sick since using the SRB which has been a godsend. 
    Until reading this, I didnt realize that she should be using her SRB after swimming too!!  I feel completely stupid now LOL!  We are going to start doing this right away!! 
    She is in need of a new bottle & since they are rather pricey & we are on a fixed income it makes it difficult to get the new ones 🙂
    Everyone in our house uses the SRB every time we shower…my hubby is a severe asthmatic & I also have terrible allergies 🙁 but I cannot tell you how much the saline rinses have helped us!! We are no longer prisoners in our own home!
    Thanks NeilMed!

  116. Until I began using your product….I was constantly at the doctors office getting prescriptions for antibiotics for sinus infections. I have NOT had a single infection since using your Neti Pot nine months ago. It has saved me a lot of misery and money! I wish I had known about this years ago.

  117. I have to be very careful and can not take a lot of meds so this would be great for my allergies….

  118. I usually get a sinus infection after so many days at the pool.  I would love to have a Neti bottle to travel with.  Seems travel ready.

  119. I JUST used my NetiPot, it’s the first thing I pick up as soon as I feel any kind of sinus problem!  Takes care of it FAST!  I love it! 

  120. a few weeks ago after swimming daily for a week my ear got so plugged up it was extremely uncomfortable. i know it was a combination of allergies and water because it happens every year, the same time of year. it usually takes me a few weeks for me to “unplug” them, but this year i decided to try my sinus rinse. so i got out my NeilMed sinus rinse bottle and within 12 hrs of using it, my ear popped and stayed unplugged. I would like to try your Neti Pot. Thanks for making a wonderful product!

  121. I heard the Netipot is more comfortable than the squeeze bottle

  122. My email address is ssoules@stny.rr.com I forgot to add that to my post 🙁 Sorry

  123.  My grandkids spend a great part of the day in our pool and suffer from chlorine irritation.  I have been a user of NielMed products and they are facinated with the sinus rinse, especially a NetiPot.  How great for them to have one of their own!!

  124. I have the neti pot and I absolutely love it!!!! I have always suffered from crazy allergies and the neti pot has been a huge success in relieving it all!! I was getting sinus headaches daily and swimming was a complete disaster. I would get in the pool and swim with the kids, my sinuses would plug, I would get a headache, and had just complete discomfort for days afterwards. Ever since I got the Neti Pot, I began rinsing my sinuses after swimming and have had little to no problems at all! I could never part with my Neti Pot!! My 10 year old has some insane sinus issues evolving, I would love to try the sinus rinse with her to see if it will relieve some of the issues she has been having this summer.

  125. Swimming is a WONDERFUL way to beat the heat during summer! But what isn’t wonderful? That “stuffed up” feeling you get from a day at the pool. I have tried EVERYTHING, warm showers, hot tea, but nothing works as well as the NetiPot. And the best part? It’s safe to give my kids when they feel bad too!

  126. Angela Espino

    My husband suffers from his sinuses daily. Goes to bed and wakes up congested. My brother uses a Neti Pot and swears by it! He is prone to sinus infections and uses the Neti pot as soon as he feels just a bit congested and crisis averted, no sinus infection! So I wouls love to be able to have a Neti Pot of my own so that my husband could sleep, breathe and feel better!

  127. I have suffered with nasal problems after swimming in chlorinated water since I was a child.  Using the Netipot after a swim always helps to keep inflammation down.  Thanks to the Netipot I don’t have to deal with sinus problems just to enjoy my summer in the pool.  

  128. Please pick me for a Neti Pot.  I have bilateral concha bullosa and panparanasal sinus disease.  In addition, my daughter and I both suffer from asthma and severe allergies.  I NEED it, and I would be so grateful for it!  Thank you and God bless. =)

  129. I heard it is a good product and does not have all the chemicals medication has.

  130. After years of fighting chronic sinus infections countless rounds of antibiotics I found Your sinus Rinse. Since then( a few years back) My allergies have gotten far more manageable, No sinus infections, no ear infections the whole system has been clear and as soon as i feel any pressure start I start using the rinse it Never amounts to anything anymore. I have also used it as a precautionary Tool. I have a young visitor that has Cancer and getting a cold or flu would be a bad thing for him. Every time he visits I use the rinse to help keep away any stray virus. I believe it has helped. Its a simple product bu has added a quality of life I missed for many years

  131. the pool and this heat are killing my sinus’s please help me,i want to try your medipot

  132. I have always used my neti pot after swimming in bad water. I feel it flushes the bacteria and junk out. We recently went on a tubing trip and I had forgotten my stuff and suffered a terrible ear infection! I blame it on not being able to clean the dirty river water out of my sinuses. I’m really interested in the sinus rinse instead of the pot. It would be nice to compare them both. I recently talked my mom into trying the neti pot. 🙂

  133. I love my nailmed nedi pot from u guys…I have pregnancy enduced sinus problems and didn’t even want to attempt to take my other children swimming due to the chlorine always making my sinuses worse…and now that I have tried ur neilmed nedipot I have no worries whatsoever about my sinuses thatnks to u guys

  134. I have been spending part of the summer on the lake and went tubing with my brother who thought it would be funny to flip me. It was over a week ago and the pressure from shooting through the water is still affecting my sinuses. I also suffer everyday from allergies and swollen sinuses but this has made it much worse.

  135. Sorry, my e-mail for the Bargainshopper2009 post is Bargainshopper2009@gmail.com.
    Thank you!

  136. My husband has bad allergies and he doesn’t sleep well at night because he can’t breathe. I would love for him to try Netipot because taking medicine just isn’t working. (Plus it’s not good for him). Please pick us to try the Netipot… I’d like to sleep better too – once he’s not snoring ;). Thank you! 

  137. I absolutely love going swimming in the underground pool! Unfortunately the chlorine always gets me congested. I have always had pain and discomfort after swimming. When speaking to my doctor he told me to try some OTC allergy medications to relieve the sinus pressure. Unfortunately it does not always work so therefore I decided to just not swim as frequently. I would love to try a NeilMed Neti Pot to see how much more relief I could get from it versus the OTC allergy medications that do not work! Thanks, NeilMed!

  138. My husband has severe allergies, and has recently started using a Neti Pot.  He absolutely loves it!  Thank you for providing such a great product and service through freebies!

  139. Chlorine is a great way to keep pools clean, but it can be incredibly irritating to people with sensitive skin and sinuses, such as my son.  We found that there are alternative options to Chlorine, such as various Ozone technologies, but the problem is that they can be very expensive.  Until we win the lottery (LOL!) we’re stuck with the chlorinated local pool.  Using ear plugs and taking a clean shower after swimming seems to help him a bit.  I hope that technology improves enough to find other, safer ways to keep pool water clean.

  140. I would love a netipot for my brother.

  141. I received the sinus rinse and would love to try the netipot.  I have a friend that uses it ans swears by it!  I have allergies and this hot weather and high pollen count is killing me!

  142. I used to be a member of a swimming team until my allergies made me extremely sick…swimming was one of my favorite hobbies and I miss it so much! The chlorine just gave my sinus’s terrible reaction …please help!

  143. i used to have 3-4 sinus infections per year. Thanks to the NeilMed Sinus rinse, I have not had a SINGLE sinus infection in over three years!!! So if anyone doubts this little plastic miracle, well … sniff sniff, their loss!

  144. I would love to try it also

  145. I would love to try the netipot, My daughter and I both suffer from allergies. It would be so nice of your company thank you

  146. My son has suffered with sinus trouble since he was a little baby. After having tubes in his tiny ears, he still suffered, and 24 years later, the problem still exist. He does take medicines for relief, but I would love to see if this product could ease some of his discomfort. So please, let me give my son the gift of relief! How do I sign up???

  147. my son is allergic to almost every kind of grass,trees,pollen,ragweed,and dogs he also has asthma his asthma specialist told me the neti pot could help with this

  148. my son has alot of allergies and asthma. i heard this would be great for him to use his allergies are severe in summer months his Asthma specialist told me this woul be good for him.

  149. I love the Neti pot! It flushes out anything growing in the sinus and clears them better than blowing your nose! Its a great homeopathic remedy for people with sinus problem or who are in the water a lot clogging up there sinuses. 

  150. I love this product.  Would love to share one with my family how suffers badly from allergies and sinus issues.  Please, consider me for a sample to share.

  151. My neighbor had the Neti-Pot, this spring she got a Very,Very painful sinus infection.The only thing she said that relieved the pain, was using that pot.At my age of 75,I want that Pot in my home remedies. I saw with my own eyes, proved to me, the results are the best natural way, to deal with the sinuses…,Every one of her care givers got the same infection, and she said use the NETI-POT, anf after they thanked her, .So please I would like a free Nsti-Pot…Thanks.

  152. I have been told that a netipot is great for all allergies as well as asthma. Both of whitch I suffer from! It is very nice of your company to be lettin people try this!

  153. Would like one please. 

  154. I love my Netti Pot. Ran out mix and too cheap to buy more.

    1. I love mine and would love to have one for my mother who suffers with her nose really bad. Please consider me.

  155. I have many sinus headaches and would love to try a Netipot to see if it helps.

  156. I received mine in the mail, but it arrived damaged with no lid.  Hope to get another one so I ca use it.

  157. I just want to say Thank you for NeilMed sinus rinse kit and pot, I have both of them and use them often, if I didn’t have your product I wouldn’t know what to do, if I even feel a headache or pain coming on I use it right away Within an hr. my head and nose feel so much better. I’m still trying to convince my family members to get there own, Don’t worry I will get them to use one soon! Thanks again!!

  158. Using NeilMed sinus rinse is the most effective way of preventing problems after swimming/diving

  159. Wow totally didn’t know this at all! The people that wear nose clips are so smart! Let’s see more blogs about natural health and other great uses for sinus rinses. :]

  160. As a swimmer growing up, I always encountered this problem. I don’t know if it just me or not, but it seems as if the more and longer I swim now days, it gets worse. I went to an ENT not to long ago (about a year or so) and he suggested that I do saline rinses and to apply some type of moisturizer in my nasal passages (such as the tip of my nose). I have used the Nelimed’s every since then, and have noticed that it has helped so much! I like your tips that you write about here though, I never knew in all the years of swimming that faster turns causes less to build up. I find that so interesting. I have also found, since using this, that my husband has used it from time to time to help with his seasonal allergies. He notices a significant difference every time he uses it. We love it and can’t wait to tell our friends about the difference every time they have sinus problems. Not to mention, I work in a drugstore and recommend them to our patients/customers all the time!

  161. I want it!

  162. A netipot would be wonderful to have.  I have seasonal allergies and have difficulty after I swim with swollen nasal passages.  Thank you for your information on how to help this/…and your givaway!!!!


  163. I have gotten sinus infections when swimming and diving in the pool and it was so uncomfortable to be sick in the middle of the summer. Now that I have been using the sinus rinse, I use it after gardening, hiking, dusting, etc.. and will certainly try it after the next time I swim in a pool! Nose plugs are quite uncomfortable so this is a great, and easy, alternative to try out.
    Thanks for the advice on helping us get through sinus issues.

  164. On returning from vacation in Mexico, I found myself with eustachian tube dysfunction (stopped up ear), due to much snorkeling & swimming.  My ENT doctor suggested the sinus rinse, and sure enough, my ear finally opened up after several uses of the NeilMed Sinus Rinse.  Now, using the sinus rinse, followed by neti pot use has become part of my daily routine.  Thank you!

  165. I recently had yet another sinus infection but something new to me happened; my left ear popped as I was blowing my nose. It’s been clogged and I’ve been miserable ever since. Two rounds of antibiotics and prednisone and flonase did nothing for ear but helped sinus and chest congestion. Visited an ENT fri who feels I have a constant sinus infection andhave severe allergies. Now on Zpac, 2 nasal sprays and 2 allergy meds. It is not helping my ear at all. I’m uncomfortable and irritated everyday. If he can’t do better than this or there’s no progress when I go back in 3weeks I don’t know what I’m going to. I’m so frustrated and afraid it’s permenant.

  166. WOW! Now I understand why my sinuses went haywire every time I got in a swimming pool! My sinuses are bad all the time and I use sinus meds daily.

    My son told me about the neti pot but I haven’t been able to afford one.
    Sure would be nice to get off the pills!

  167. The netipot is my go-to herbal way to clear up congestion after swimming. It isn’t uncomfortable like a lot of nasal solutions can be. It is nice and comforting and I know that I am not putting terrible things into my body they way I would feel if I were using harsher chemicals in pill form.

  168. After having debilitating migraines, sinus infections, allergies and general upper respiratory issues for years I underwent sinusitis surgery.  I suffered pulmonary edema which landed me in ICU for several days, I had no idea what had happened, I awakened with a intubation tube down my throat.  Upon returning home my doctor advised regular irrigation of my sinus cavities with a saline rinse; this never worked well for me and I dreaded following though with this procedure.  I tried using the NeilMed Pot as a last ditch effort, I was thoroughly pleased with my experience.  I did not have the discomfort from the other methods of irrigation of the sinus or the nausea which I experienced.  I can now enjoy being outside in nature, swimming in pools or open water bodies or anything else I could not previously do because of my respiratory problems.  Thank you for making the quality of my life better!

  169. We put a pool in last summer at our house and I never realized that it would cause the pain that I had due to sinus infections. But, I was introduced to the NeilMed Products by my doctor and I use the Saline Mist and clear my sinus cavities out with this after being in the pool for hours on end. There is no burning after wards from the chlorine in the pool. I love using the Saline Mist and I would like to try more of the products that your company offers. Thank you for making a great product! I also suffer with allergies and I have learned that the saline mist helps keep my nasal passage free from as many allergens.
    Connie Stanford

  170. i have experienced the suffering of sinus and allergies along with the chlorine in the swimming pools and it is not fun.  Hope to always have a way to prevent this and if not a treatment that works.

  171. Thank you so much for this offer. I have wanted a neti pot for so long. I have terrible sinuses and would love some relief. please send me one. Again thank you so much.

  172. I’m an avid surfer.  I was plagued with sinus infections every month or so. Often times the sinus infections became so severe I had to go on antibiotics which I dreaded because of all the side effects.  A friend had seen Dr. Oz discuss the “nose bidet” and suggested I try it.  This was a few years ago… I haven’t had a sinus infection since.  I use the neti-pot twice a day–morning and night.  I love the neti-pot so much, I’ve given away several as gifts and have suggested that friends plagued with allergies and sinus infections give it try.  This is much better than the saline sprays.

  173. My sinuses tend to back up into my ears when swimming and since using the Neti Pot System of products I have gone from needing ear drops and antibiotics for ear infections on a weekly basis to not at all during the summer. It has greatly improved the quality of my lifestyles activities, especially in this HOT weather! 

  174. I used to have dryness and irritation in my nose and sinuses after swimming in chlorinated pools, but the NeilMed Sinus Rinse has helped alleviate that problem and I’ve found I enjoy swimming more now that I don’t have to dread the irritation and congestion afterwards.

  175. My hubby’s a good swimmer, but i’ve not yet learned. When I do get into the pool it’s always on the shallow-er end when i’m alone. Our kids have been trying to learn though. I have noticed where my hubby apparently gets the water into his nose and has to blow it out. I’d guess it’s so it doesn’t do any further harm.

  176. I think it is a great idea to use Neti pot with saline rinse after using swimming pool. I usually go to the college pool 3 times a week and noticed that chlorine greatly affects my skin, hair and sinus. By washing out chlorine, it can help restore the sinus’ original condition.

  177. If I am having allergie issues then swimming will add to my congestion issues.  If I am not having allergy issues and I let my head get covered with water my ears at times hurt.  I think that has more to do with fluid in the ear canal.

  178. I have always had trouble with my sinuses after swimming & now that I started to use the NeilMed Sinus Rinse I can’t believe how much better I feel, wish I would have had this stuff years ago!

  179. I’ve tried NUMEROUS saline sprays to try and alleviate my summer sinus problems.  Between the pools and changing from a/c to hot, humid outdoors I keep a sinus infection almost all summer long.  I’m sick of pills and sprays and headaches and not being able to breathe!

  180. I would love a Neti Pot because I suffer from a deviated septum and I would love nothing more to avoid surgery. My ENT told me to either take care of my sinuses myself, or face surgery. Keeping my sinuses clean and clear via a Neti Pot is my answer. I teach for a living at an old school full of dust and other allergens. These keep my sinuses inflamed and my left ear infected for 8 out of 10 months that I am in school. This would be my answer to no surgery next summer!!

  181. Neilmed nettie pot is nearly magic to help sinus issues of all sorts including swimming in chlorine pool or salt water of the ocean, i have used it for years. I remember scuba diving in turkey and was thankful i had it at that time, i was 19 so you see im smart. 

  182. I have an allergy to chlorine and the only way I can get some relief is by using my NeilMed Neti Pot. It feels like the Neti Pot just washes away all the irritants. My husband has the same problem and I hope I can convince him to just try a nasal was once and see how much it helps. I know he would get so much relief.

  183. This products is exactly what i needed for ease of sleeping better at night. I sleep with a cpap and it drys my nasal passages out terrible. So using NeilMed an hour before bed helps 100%.
    Thanks for a great product

  184. Thanks for this blog! I have suffered with sinus issues for years. This is the first year that I have heard of your products. This is the worst year I remember for my sinuses. Can’t wait give this a try!

  185. I live in Texas and I’ve found that swimming in the summer here actually helps relieve a great deal of my sinus pain and pressure. I believe it’s a combination of the heat from the sun and the moisture from the pool water. I also think it helps that I’m not out there for an extended amount of time- I swim for awhile and then return to my apartment where I take a hot shower and then relax in the air conditioning. 

  186. Any kind of pressure build up feels absolutely miserable and the cleansing that your neti pot provides is completely soothing.  It’s something my 2 year old enjoys watching me too, so that’s just bonus family entertainment–ha!

  187. What an informative blog! i do notice that my sinuses are worst during summer and i swim almost every day. I usually attribute the headaches to long days in the sun i didnt realise that chlorine could be the culprit.  I have never used a neti pot and i have terrible sinus issues I am eager to see if it would bring me some relief.

  188. I have found that swimming often makes my sinus become plugged more often. I find myself using my NeilMed Sinus Rinse a lot more frequently in the summer. With swimming and allergies it is a double whammy that needs NeilMed Sinus Rinse. Thanks for this awesome product.

  189. Everyone in my home (5 total) suffers from seasonal allergies and normally each spring and fall we all cycle in and out of the doctors for seasonal allergies. The past few years I have noticed more and more issues in the summer but were unable to find the cause. My children adore swimming but complain of headaches afterwards. I have always written them off as too much sun exposure. Even I have noticed that after a particular “bad dive” I will have a few days of pressure from the clorine. (I’m not graceful at all) Now after this article I finally know why.

    My husband on the other hand was astonished about the connection for scuba diving. He has been certified since 2002 and has had pressure issues after most dives. (He had a bad dive where he ascended too quickly while diving in Bermuda in 2003) Since his accident he has always attributed post dive pain to not being able to equalize the pressure in his ears. Since he also has chronic sinusitis he now believes that this is the culprit and has been all along.

    His mention after reading the article was that he will be adding a neti pot to his dive bag before our next trip. However I think we need one far sooner. Obviously the uses are far exceeding what we originally knew!

  190. Typically all chlorine pools can cause some degree of discomfort if the individual has always had allergies, well for my children anyhow. They love swimming pools but always end up having problems with sinusitis after a few days of continuous swimming.
    We actually add the salt to the water that in turn makes the pool more like the ocean. My children have less complications thus making it easier on them after their everyday swimming. If they do still have problems, we use our beloved NetiPot and the symptoms almost vanish!

  191. Susan,  I clean my sinus twice daily.  It so so necessary and feels so good to get that congestion out of my body.  Thanks for making such a good product.

  192. I don’t just get swimmer’s ear, I get water in my nasal passages too and end up with frequent sinus infections or, at best, an entirely clogged head. I have a sinus rinse bottle and a neti pot. Personally I prefer the neti pot, it may look old fashioned and sound weird but NOTHING compares to the feeling of relieved pressure from my eyes to my ears to my nose! I’m 39 weeks pregnant and am in our pool everyday, I can’t imagine how I would survive this summer without my neti pot!

  193. I have had sinus problems for 15 + years. I am not a swimmer but I am ready to try anything! A friend has recommended this to me so I am hoping that it will work! Will be buying one tomorrow to check it out!! I have tried everything and have found nothing that helps!!

  194. Nothing is worse than a sinus infection in the summer. A preventative measure would be to use your nedi pot or sinus rinse to clear your sinuses and help you avoid the pain and misery!

  195. I have found after swimming I get congested the next day.  Especially if I get “swimmers ear”.  The netti pot seems to help to decrease my frontal sinus congestion after swimming.  I used it after my honeymoon and we went snorkeling and scuba diving and i had a terrible sinus infection when we got home.

  196. I must be backwards. When I was a kid/teen, we used to go down to the community pool. Swimming has always helped when I have a sinus infections.  I don’t normally dive or go down deep because the pressure does tend to hurt. Helps even more when I’d sit on the bleachers…something about the air in the building.

  197. I  suffer so badly from congestion after swimming in the Pool

  198. My daughter received a free neti pot last time you had this offer and she loves it. Says it really opens up her sinuses and helps relieve sinus pressure.

  199. I have always had major sinus problems, especially after swimming! I’ve
    Had friends tell me to try the product, but honestly I have not had the
    Money! I have major sinus problems and would be willing to buy a product that I know works for me! Thank you so much for the chance to
    Learn about the product!

  200. Myself and my husband both have sinus issues after swimming. In fact one my nose swelled up so bad I wouldn’t go swimming again fr two weeks!

  201. I do notice congestion when I’ve been swimming with lots of underwater time. I’d love to try the sinus rinse in a bottle to see if it helps! Thanks!

  202. With this Texas heat I know that this will help clear up my sinus problems

  203. very good info of sinus problems… any info on migranes and sinus?

    1. Thanks for the question/suggestion. Keep on the lookout for a blog on migraines and sinus headaches in the upcoming weeks. Thanks for reading the blog!

  204. Need to use this as the TX weather is really causing me lots of sinus problems.

  205. My step sons & husband suffer from sinus problems after swimming & throughout the year. All 3 of them use the sinus rinse & get instant relief. I’m not sure my husband could lice without the NeilMed sinus rinse, he uses it religiously everyday!

  206. I have found after swimming I get congested the next day.  Especially if I get “swimmers ear”.  The netti pot seems to help to decrease my frontal sinus congestion after swimming.  I used it after my honeymoon and we went snorkeling and scuba diving and i had a terrible sinus infection when we got home.

  207. My kids are the worst for this problem. We were wondering if they were allergic to chlorine but did understand how. We have just been given them allergy meds for it. Mine get bad to but again just have not really given it much thought as to chlorine being the culprit. Again treat with allergy meds. Would love to try the Neti Pot. Especially since my 6 year old has a heart condition and we can not give her most of the meds to dry you up because they make her heart race. Thanks for considering us.

  208. we also have the same issues and non stop sneezing after done swimming we use the saline sprays and allergies meds too with no relief!  i would love to try the sinus rinse instead as we have the neti pot but it doesn’t work good for my 6yr old who tries to suck in the water thru nose instead of letting it just come out naturally

  209. could really use around flue season, while sleeping and letting the pot do the work for me.

  210. I love the nedi pot, i allergies pretty bad but using the nedipot makes my allergies not so bad. 🙂

  211. I HAVE been suffering from sinus problems this year-I have been using the Sinus Rinse!!

  212. I have always had sinus problems and when I swim it does seem to make the pressure feel like my eyeballs are going to pop out. My nasal passages are smaller than normal and my ENT says he doesn’t know how I breathe as it is. I use prescription Nasonex which opens the passages up and relieves some of the pressure. I really would like to get a free Neti Pot to help with my problem. I have heard others say that it is the answer to sinus prayers.

  213. I swim regularly at my gym that has a salt water pool and my family pool.  Only recently I heard of this product through Facebook. My sinus’s alls feel full and I sound like I have a cold until I stay out of the water for awhile to give my sinus rest. I would love to get a free NeilMed Neti Pot to try.

  214. I swim regularly in my gym and family pool.  Only recently have I heard of this product through Facebook.  I would love to receive a Free sample to try it out and see what it can do for my sinus’s.

  215. I swim regularly in my gym and in my family pool.  Only recently through Facebook have I heard of this product.  I would love to try it and see if it helps my sinus’s. I always sound so stuffed up.

  216. I usually end up getting all sorts of sinus issues from swimming in a chlorine pool, including headaches. I’ve been using Netipots for about 2 years now. It really makes a difference. Those homeopathic nasal sprays never seem to work for me as well as a Netipot. I’m thinking it’s the volume of water that can really help clean up the nasal passages. Either way, it does help after swimming and in general, I use it about once a week or so. Thanks for the post and for the product.

  217. I like to dive and when I do I get a sinus headache or maybe just a headache but my sinuses are irritated.  So does the NetiPot help?

  218. Yes!! I have two boys in swim during the summer. One of my sons is currently in the mommy and and me class. Ever since he started swim, I have been so congested on my left side of my face. I have tried warm showers and cloths but all failed, even the saline drops. Tonight i will be using my sons humidifier. I never knew that the chlorine caused sinus problems but I am glad to have read this!

  219. I love to swim and end up with the worst headache after. I am glad to know what causes that. I also have chronic sinus problems and manage to have a sinus infection most of the year. I get on medication and as soon as I get off a week later I have another infection, it is very miserable.

  220. I don’t swim very often, but now my boyfriend has a pool so I want to more. It’s kind of embarrassing, but I seem to have forgotten how to properly hold my breath underwater, so I get a bunch of chlorine in my sinuses when I get in. Doing a sinus rinse will be the perfect way to clear the chlorine out. 

  221. I went to my Ear nose and throat scuba doctor who specializes in Scuba issues and he told me that I should begin using a Neti Pot about 3 weeks before my next scuba trip and then to use it during the trip every morning before diving and then at the end of the day after my dives were done. I just have returned from a dive trip and was amazed at how little ear issues I had on this trip. I might have even looked a bit funny using a neti pot right after a dive when I was having some issues clearing my ears in full wet suit dripping into the ocean. But it helped me clear and kept me diving. You should market to Scuba shops 

  222. i have noticed that my kids often get congested after spending a lot of time in the pool as well..and they often have bad colds in the winter and my oldest son has dry sinuses and lots of dried blood in his nose..i wondered if this would help with that. shawnra1977@yahoo.com

  223. My experience with my sinuses after swimming is that the are often flared and irritated making breathing uncomfortable and darn-impossible without suffering.

  224. I have many allergies and would love to try this product!

  225. I have experienced sinus problems after swimming and I thought it was just caused by the water from going up your nose. In a sense I guess it is. But I will have to try this. and Hopefully it works! Thank you! 🙂

  226. Have a young son that has severe allergies to the point of his eyelids swelling and turning inside out at times.When he sneezes it is a 5 min. ordeal so you can see how the Neti pot can help.During the summer we swim almost daily and he tends to get a nose full of chlorine and this can set up a terrible infection.Neti Pot is the Only solution to his issues.Just a simple rinse twice daily during peak allergy season and daily duing off peak and after swimming. Simple,Safe,Cost Effective way to clean your sinus cavities of all foreign stuff.

  227. Swimming in a friends salt water pool in these humid temperatures has caused lot of nasal drainage the past two weeks. What is the best treatment for this?

    1. Whenever in doubt, always consult with your physician. If the nasal drainage is watery and thin, try saline nasal irrigation for a couple of days to see if this relieves your symptoms; however, if the drainage is yellow and thick, you should speak with your physician because you may need antibiotic treatment.

  228. We have just had our first bout of swimmers ear as well as sinus problems I hope these products can help us through the swimming season.

  229. I have avoided swimming lately due to sinus problems.

  230. I have avoided swimming lately due to sinus problems.

  231. I found this blog to be very beneficial to both me and my daughter who swim on an almost daily basis….she is a camp director ( swimming in pools and lake water)and I participate in water aerobics at my local Y due to severe arthritis. There have been times where I have to step out of class because of sinusitis and my daughter has had nasal problems all her life.u00a0

  232. I would have never guessed that about the pool! u00a0We are at the pool almost everyday and my son will be starting swim lesson on Monday. u00a0He has been “sick” a lot this summer. u00a0I suppose it could be from the poo! u00a0Thanks so much for this post. u00a0WOW, what an eye opener!!! u00a0I would love the chance to try it on my son!

  233. I love my neti pot! At first I was creeped out but it really is a great relief!

  234. I noticed my 2 year old was getting frequent sinus and ear infections after visiting with his grandmother, I didn’t associate his infections with her above ground pool. I’ll know now to use a nose clip and ear plugs while swimming and a saline rinse afterwards. Does the same thing happen in fresh river water? We swim in the mountain river often.

    1. In unpolluted fresh river water, you should not experience any sinus problems caused by the chlorine. If there are other pollutants in the water, however, this could irritate the sinuses. If you do find discomfort or congestion following a swim in the river, I suggest a saline rinse with either the Sinus Rinse Bottle or Neti Pot afterwards. It is also not a bad idea to do a saline rinse afterwards even if you feel fine, just as a precautionary method.

  235. I have terrible allergies and have the sensitivities mentioned in this post with regard to swimming. As a kid I would have gladly belly-flopped rather than do a flip under water because the pain and pressure were so unbearable. Discovering the Sinus Rinse has been a total miracle for me when it comes to swimming. If I’m at all congested I do a sinus rinse before swimming and after. If I’m doing well I’ll just do a rinse after swimming.u00a0nnMy mom had surgery on her sinuses because she had such frequent problems. Post-op her ENT gave her the Sinus Rinse and we always joke that she wouldn’t have needed surgery if they had given it to her before the operation. I’m so thankful she passed the Sinus Rinse info along to me, so I can swim, breathe, and not have sinus infections.u00a0

  236. would love to try it! u00a0my son has the worst allergies ever!

  237. very cool…gotta remember nose clips when i go swimming next! =)

  238. Thank you for this information… I love swimming but always end up having to plug my nose the whole time just to avoid the congestion and pain! u00a0I suffer from year round allergies so maybe the NeilMed Neti Pot would really help! u00a0nnthanks again!

  239. I have never had sinus problems like I did this year. I was relieved, literally, when friends recommended the Netipot.

  240. I used to get sinus pain whenever I’d scuba dive. I have the hardest time releasing the pressure. I feel like I’m the only one!

  241. I am commenting on my use of the NeilMed nasal flo neti pot. In the summer we , my 5 kids and I spend alot of time at the pool and the lake. When we get home and shower I have three of us that rinse our noses with the neti pot because it cleans out any residule chlorine and junk from the lake!! It’s the only way I can keep sinus infections to a minimum in the summer! So very grateful for this wonderful product thanks so much!! My email address is : mamawez@yahoo.com

  242. My son loves to go to the lake nearby our home, he has always been prone to summer stuffiness due to all the underwater swimming he and his friends to in the lake, well I had always used a bulb syringe and salt water, until a friend of mine told me about the neti pot. I bought the neilmed sinus one first and he kind of freaked out but the little I got him to do helped loads! Thats when I spotted the Neti Piot! He loved the gravity flow and the shape, it clears up the sinus mess in no time flat, I have to say it beat my wildestu00a0exceptionsu00a0and the fact that an 11 year old boy tells his friends about his”nose pot” lol is hands down wonderful! Please keep up the great work!

  243. I need to win one of these,I have constant sinus headaches for 2 or 3 days every 2 weeks or so,OTC meds dont help!!

  244. My kids are both swimmers and have allergies.u00a0 During peak seasons, we use the NeilMed morning and night.u00a0 During off seasons, we use it after swim team practice and before bed.u00a0 Since our allergist recommended this product 4 years ago…..the infections are 1/3 of what we used to have.u00a0 I recommend this to everyone who gets chronic sinus infections!u00a0 What an awesome relief that we do not have to have antibiotics during year around swimming!

  245. We use our Netizens Pors on the Winter mainly but this summer we gave been swimming alot more and have found it very useful for relieving sinus pressure from swimming! We now use it year round! Thank you NeilMed!!!

  246. I have been a SCUBA diver for many many years. u00a0After each dive I always use the NeilMed Sinus Rinse to clean my nasal passages. u00a0I found that before using NeilMed Sinus Rinse, I would end up with a Sinus Infection and have to take antibiotics to resolve it after every dive trip. u00a0Now with the NeilMed Sinus Rinse, I never have that problem anymore. u00a0In fact, I can’t remember the last time I had a Sinus Infection – after diving or EVER! u00a0Great Product!

  247. Sounds good to me I have 2 children who will be swimming all summer

  248. I’ve never been able to swim underwater without physically plugging my nose, with the fear that I will automatically take in water when I go under. I know my mother swims regularly underwater without a noseplug, and she has sinus problems. She uses her NeilMed sinus rinse bottle when she’s getting a cold, but I wonder if she’s ever used it before & after swimming? I’ll have to mention it to her!

  249. I always have sinus problems from the pool! u00a0I just found out today even if you clean and shock your pool it’s still full of bacteria – YUCK! u00a0I usually get earaches and sore throats from the pool, my friend recommended using the NeilMed Sinus Rinse and I have not had these problems since 😉

  250. Just being around a pool and smelling the chlorine irritates me. A long time ago I did SCUBA diving and after the dive my sinuses did a lot of draining. Salt water is definitely great!

  251. wow that was some very good info that i never knew, thank you for the information.

  252. I do not suffer from any sinus problems while swimming because I do not know how to swim but I love to use you product about every other day because it is highly effective at relieving my sinus problems. Maybe a future blog topic is are there any herbs that can be taken to relieve sinus problems.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion! Will definitely try to include this soon!

  253. cgm1018@yahoo:disqusu00a0.com u00a0- u00a0 I have always had problems in the summertime with congestion shortly after swimming in a chlorine pool. u00a0I have tried the neti pot recently and I have to say this is the first summer I’ve had that this didn’t keep me from wanting to swim with my daughter at the pool! u00a0The Neti Pot is so great and I love that I can also use it around allergy season and when I’m just feeling stuffy- thanks so much !!! u00a0^_^n

  254. I signed up for my free pot weeks and weeks ago.u00a0 Will I receive one?

  255. i can tell you for a factu00a0 that the sinus and thenu00a0 the summer and all year is bad for me i am beocoming allergicu00a0 tou00a0 a lot of plant and vegu00a0 out side and thenu00a0 what can you sayu00a0

  256. I first started using Neilmed sinus rinse to help with my freediving and spearfishing. When freediving proper sinus function is critical, as every dive involves equalisation at least once but more likely 2-3 times per descent.nI don’t dive with decongestants as I feel that the risk if they wear off is a burst eardrum, Instead I use the rinse, if I feel congested after using the rinse I won’t dive.nMost of the time the sinus rinse helps keep the nasal passages cleaned and hydrated which has a large part to play in being able to equalise easily.nMy experience with Neilmed products is positive, they are good and work well.nPlus they aren’t overly complex and expensive, and for a travelling diver the bottle and a supply of the rinse sachets weighs nothing.n

  257. Teaching SCUBA courses year round puts me in the pool and ocean multiple times each week.u00a0 Trying to find non-drug ways to keep sinuses clear is always a tough time.u00a0 There are always home remedies but they don’t seem to work all the time.u00a0 Congestion keeps diver’s from doing what we love.u00a0 Dive!!!u00a0 Suggestions are always something we look forward to.

  258. A salt generated chlorine pool can still cause congestion if regular chlorine pools cause you problems. This is because the chlorine is still there and salt (NaCl) contains chloride. The only difference is that salt system pools provide an alternate method of supplying chlorine to your swimming pool.

  259. I’ve been on a swim team for 13 years. Every fall I got a sinus infection due to the allergies and kept swimming since I was in season. This last season in the fall I would wake up with horrible migraines and have headaches every day after practice. I was sick for almost a month and a half going into the doctor up to 5 times because I wasnt getting better. Finally, I went into an ENT where we did a scan and found the sinus on the top of my head was completely full. I had to haveu00a0sinusitis surgery. It went really well and now I’m back swimming and lifeguarding on the side.u00a0u00a0

    1. I have had painu00a0 on topu00a0 ofu00a0 my headu00a0 for years …no one knew what it was.you are the 1st to ever say that “a sinus on top of my head”….maybe now I can treat it……Thanks…canu00a0 any one share what to use inu00a0 my new NeilMed Pot ? I was using organic salt…..

      1. The sinuses on top of your head are actually right behind your forehead and are called the frontal sinuses.

        In regards to what to put in your neti pot, we suggest you use NeilMed’s Sinus Rinse Refill Packets. They are specially formulated to be pH balanced and isotonic when mixed with 8 oz. of water, so there will be no burning or stinging.

  260. Yes, I have noticed that.u00a0 But we have a salt generated chlorine pool.u00a0 Would that still cause issues?

  261. Thanks so much for this blog! My poor daughter every time she swims ends up totally congested. I wasn’t sure what was going on. Her Allergist did tell me to use a saline nose spray and see if that helps. I will let you know as today is the first time she is going back in the pool after her last bout of congestion. As soon as I read this I thought oh good maybe it will really work 😉 I hope so. Thanks again!nJen

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