/ May 28, 2010/ Promotions/ 6 comments

NeilMed would like to thank all our fans on Facebook for the overwhelming support. We have reached a new milestone on Facebook in our attempts to get closer to our customers to serve them better.

Thank you Fans!

For those who missed out, please become our fan on Facebook and take advantage of the currently running offers. The offers are for a limited time. Hurry up!

You can become a fan of NeilMed Sinus Rinse on Facebook and get a free NeilMed Sinus Rinse bottle kit with two NeilMed mixture packets. Login to Facebook with your account, click “Like” to become a fan and then click “Free Sinus Rinse”. Follow the link in red which says “Click here for you Free Sinus Rinse Bottle with two packets”. You will be directed to a survey page on our website. Please take the survey and get your free NeilMed Sinus Rinse bottle with two packets.

For getting a free NeilMed NasaFlo Neti Pot with two mixture packets, please become a fan of NeilMed NasaFlo Neti Pot on Facebook. Click “Like” to become a fan. Click on the “FREE Neti Pot” tab, follow the link in red which says “Click here to request…”, take the survey most relevant to you and you will receive a free NeilMed NasaFlo Neti Pot.

For future purchases, we also have a $3 IRC for NeilMed NasaFlo Neti Pot. Become a fan and click “Neti Pot” tab to access the coupon.

For patients of Cystic Fibrosis and Asthma, we have special offers! These are meant only for patients or close relatives of patients of CF and asthma. To get these offers, please become a fan of NeilMed Sinus Rinse on Facebook, click on “CF” tab and then follow the instructions.

We are always available to serve you. For information about products, please visit our website’s product section. You can write to us at questions@blogs.neilmed.com if you face any problem filling out surveys or getting the offers. Or better yet, write to us on Facebook!

NeilMed Team


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About NeilMed

Neilmed Pharmaceuticals Inc. is the maker of original and patented SINUS RINSE ™ kit and #1 recommended and studied nasal irrigation system in the world with distribution mainly in the US and Canada. SINUS RINSE provides natural relief from sinusitis symptoms, allergies, common cold or flu, and other chronic sinus and nasal problems and obviates the need for surgeries and prescription medications in more than 50 % cases. Neilmed’s other products include SinuFlo Ready Rinse, NasaFlo Neti Pot, NasaMist Saline Spray, NasoGel Moisturizer for Dry Noses, NasaDrops Saline, NasaDock Plus Drying Stand. Neilmed’s products are also available in, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom, Ireland and Europe.


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