Few days ago, I took an opportunity to make an association of ENT symptoms and Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD). I appreciate the comments I have received. Today, I would like to go over how allergy symptoms may cause Gastrointestinal symptoms. One of the most common symptom of nasal allergy and sinusitis is post nasal discharge and drainage. This happens due to excessive mucus produced by the lining of the nose, pharynx, and sinuses. Generally the amount of mucus produced by nasal passages and sinuses is scant and most people are not even of aware of it. However, the allergies can cause copious amount of mucus production which eventually finds its way to the back of throat causing repeated throat clearing. Most patients end up swallowing this drainage/mucus. In my practice I have encountered many patients who have upper gastrointestinal symptoms due to swallowing of nasal drainage. Patients often have nausea, dry heaves, and sometimes vomiting. They also have the so called “sick” feeling in the upper abdomen area which is not necessarily pain but just the feeling of an upset stomach. Furthar evaluation does not reveal GERD, ulcers, or Gallbladder disease. Once they receive appropriate treatment of allergies with medications or nasal and sinus rinse, the post nasal drainage improves or resolves and that causes their upper gastric symptoms to improve. If you have upper gastrointestinal symptoms as descibed above and also suffer from post nasal drainage, you may benefit from aggresively treating your allergies with medications and sinus and nasal rinse. Of course, the symtoms need to be evaluated by a physician if they are persistent.
Sir I have also same problem of post nasal drip and GIT disorder.but I have some severe problem in GIT .I use to suffer from GIT infection, can PND cause infection in GIT
Dear Dr. Akeel,
Allergy symptoms such as post-nasal drip, repeated throat clearing, and sensation of feeling a lump in the throat (also known as Globus) can be due to silent acid reflux. This is also known as Laryngopharyngeal Reflux or LPR. Some patients with LPR may not have so called classic symptoms of acid reflux such as heartburn or regurgitation.
While acid reflux and reflux esophagitis can cause allergy type symptoms, recently it has been shown that allergies can also affect the esophagus and cause a condition called Eosinophilic Esophagitis or EoE. EoE is commonly associated with many food allergies but recent evidence also hints towards the systemic allergies as a cause of EoE. The most common symptoms of EoE are difficulty swallowing (Dysphagia), heartburn, chest pain, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain, and failure to thrive especially in children.
I hope my comments are helpful.
Shailesh Kadakia, MD
Many thanks for your finding relating post nasal discherge and mild GI symptoms. I had post nasal discharge left from a sinus/ear infecction i cought swimming in a poorly clorinated pool. I tried antibiotics but it didn’t quite go away. I learned to live with the discharge. A couple of months later I started to feel mild GI simptoms, discomfort in the upper right side, esephagus spams. I went to a GI specialist, underwent Upper GI endoscopy, colonoscopy, and Abdominal ecosonogram. Nothing showed up. I was given treatment for GERD. The Simptoms did not improve. I stopped the treatment and started nasal wash with sea water, I live by the ocean. The nasal discharge and GI symptoms were all gone after a three days! You my find this article helpful. Nasal wash for mid-ear otitis https://www.articlesbase.com/diseases-and-conditions-articles/treating-otitis-media-middle-ear-inflammation-with-nasal-irrigation-4610412.html
This website is the right online web site.
I have a question. About a month ago I started smelling cig. smoke everywhere I went, even in my home and Church. Neither place has smokers. It was getting frustrating as I do NOT like that smell especially ALL the time. At first I treated my nose with a nasal saline spray and seemed to get relief but it didnt last. Then I got out my Netti pot and used it twice and so far so good and that was yesterday. What would cause that symptom??
Interesting question. Smelling something that is abnormal or smelling something that does not exist in the environment is generally a symptom also known as dysosmia. Within the dysosmia, if you are smelling something that does not exist, it is called phantososmia. The dysosmias may be due to many clinical disordrs, one of which includes alteration of the olfactory neuroepithelium (lining of the olfactory nerve which is the main nerve which allows us to perceive the sensation of smell) within the nasal or sinus lining. The rhinosinusitis may have been caused by the inflammation due to allergy or infection. The fact that it improved with Netipot in my opinion, caused the inflammation to improve and the dysosmia and phantososmia to resolve. If the symptom still presisted, it may due to more serious condition of neurological disorder. If your symptoms recurr or persist, you may want to consult an ENT physician or a neurologist. Best wishes.
Interesting question. Smelling something that is abnormal or smelling
something that does not exist in the environment is generally a symptom
also known as dysosmia. Within the dysosmia, if you are smelling
something that does not exist, it is called phantososmia. The dysosmias
may be due to many clinical disordrs, one of which includes alteration
of the olfactory neuroepithelium (lining of the olfactory nerve which is
the main nerve which allows us to perceive the sensation of smell)
within the nasal or sinus lining. The rhinosinusitis may have been
caused by the inflammation due to allergy or infection. The fact that it
improved with Netipot in my opinion, caused the inflammation to improve
and the dysosmia and phantososmia to resolve. If the symptom still
presisted, it may due to more serious condition of neurological
disorder. If your symptoms recurr or persist, you may want to consult an
ENT physician or a neurologist. Best wishes.
I too smell cigarette smoke when there is none around. It drives me crazy. I also have ringing in my ears…..sure wish I could figure it out. I use Neti Pot and I have regular chiro adjustments. i hope someone comes up with a reason for both.