GERD Diet and Lifestyle

/ October 4, 2011/ Default, General/ 1 comments

A GERD-friendly Diet and Lifestyle             There are certain foods and lifestyle changes that can help ease the symptoms of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Certain foods and beverages are more likely to trigger heartburn, including: Citrus fruits—tomatoes, oranges, and their juices Fried/fatty food: bacon, chicken skin Spicy foods Alcohol, caffeine Chocolate Peppermint, spearmint Some of these foods, such as

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Allergy symptoms and gastrointestinal symptoms

/ September 6, 2011/ Allergy, Default, General/ 10 comments

Few days ago, I took an opportunity to make an association of ENT symptoms and Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD). I appreciate the comments I have received. Today, I would like to go over how allergy symptoms may cause Gastrointestinal symptoms. One of the most common symptom of nasal allergy and sinusitis is post nasal discharge and drainage. This happens due to

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